How It All Began
“I love you, too,”
— Donald, 95% asleep and basically unconscious, March 2019; in response to Abby saying something he later found out was not, “I love you.”
“… I love you, Chicken Boy—”
— Abby, 100% awake and completely conscious, April 2019; to Donald who had a mouth full of rotisserie chicken, pre-show for Significant Other (Playhouse on the Square), and said very loudly yet she somehow, “Hoped he didn’t hear [her].”
“You want us to just… be eating?
In our engagement photos?”
Donald (he/they) and Abby (she/her) met at Playhouse on the Square in the fall of 2018. He thought she was scary and angry, she thought he was a golden retriever with only smiles for thoughts — it was, clearly, love at first sight. They soon bonded as the team that flew Peter Pan through the air and a friendship began. Her, not so scary and angry; him, basically seen the same but more positively.
One night, after tech for Tuck Everlasting, they went on a long walk, giving all of the houses in Midtown Memphis different names and made up lives. At the end of the walk, Abby asked Donald out on a date, and it’s been smooth sailing ever since.
There have been many milestones on their path - first kiss, first apartment, first pet, etc. But instead of looking back at them all, now it’s time to look ahead to the next big one. And they can’t wait to share it with you.
That’s enough about us for now; like any good millennial couple, here are some pictures of our current pets (Minnie (cat) and Cora (pitbull))
and our forever lovebugs we’ve said goodbye to (Poot (pekingese) and Dakin (shih tzu)):